Head of Management
The board of directors for MediaHype are the industry’s leading experts on all things digital with years of experience working in the field. As marketing professionals, they understand exactly what is required to run a successful network of workers and execute every project flawlessly.
C.J. Morelli
C.J. Morelli proudly wears her business badge daily but is more than happy to don her old financial hat from her younger days when it’s needed!
Simon Deran
Nothing gets past our resident chief of number-crunching.
There is no other specialist you would want building your custom campaigns.
Frederick Lee
Head of Marketing
Fred loves a challenge and stays at the cutting edge of marketing and search engine techniques (when he’s not playing “lunch FIFA”).
Patricia Jones
Business Development
We stumbled across the incarnation of Wonder Woman herself when we found Pat the production wiz and our clients are the first to say so!